
YouTrack Pricing Model Changes

When YouTrack 4.0 was released, we announced that we would make changes to our pricing model starting in early 2013. The changes were planned to affect Agile board only, making it a paid option. However, after we analyzed our statistics and your feedback, we decided to go further.

Why change the pricing model?

1. In 2012 we received a number of complains about the InCloud pricing model, saying it was complicated and had too many options. Many of our customers had trouble understanding the differences between Reporters and Users, or the differences between Private and Public projects. Our statistics showed that only 10% of our customers used Reporter accounts actively.

2. We realized that making the Agile board a paid option would make the choice even trickier. Meanwhile the Agile board appeared to be used by more than 80% of our customers, which easily proved its popularity.

3. There was some inconsistency between the Stand-alone packs and the InCloud plans: there were no reporters or private projects in Stand-Alone packs, while the Free plan/pack had different numbers of users.

4. We received many requests from our large customers interested in additional services, such as assistance in customization and configuration, and special support.

Considering all of these reasons, we decided to make the following changes to our pricing model effective from January 23, 2013:

Changes in InCloud Plans

1. Free plan is now extended to 10 users and unlimited number of issues.

2. Agile board is now included in all plans by default.

3. No more Reporter Accounts. Any active user account is counted against the plan limitation now.

4. Since you’re getting no additional Reporter accounts, we’ve reduced the prices for all plans up to 100 users. See the Pricing for more details.

Notice for existing customers:

1. Free plan customers: your current plan will be extended to the new parameters automatically by the end of January 2013.

2. Commercial customers: no changes will be made to your current plan, and you can use your current plan for as long as you want. You will need to choose a new plan only if you would like to upgrade your plan.

Changes in Stand-Alone Packs

1. Agile board is now included in all packs by default.

2. We’ve raised the prices for all packs, instead of making Agile board a paid option. Check the Pricing for more details.

3. We’ve introduced a new 500-user pack.

4. New Enterprise Pack with unlimited users and additional services, with customization, configuration, special support and more. Check details here.

Notice for existing customers: These changes will affect you only when you extend your upgrade subscription or upgrade your user-pack.

Please visit the YouTrack Pricing page for more details. We hope that now you’ll have an easier time choosing the pack or plan that’s right for you!