Features News

New Raygun integration with YouTrack

We are happy to announce that Raygun, automatic error tracking solution from Mindscape, has first-class integration with YouTrack! It’s live now and ready for you and your team to experience what might be the smoothest error resolving workflow possible. Raygun automatically tracks all errors your application generates, and with two clicks you can assign them to an existing issue in your YouTrack issue tracker, or create a new issue.

Raygun’s popular with devs of all sorts as it makes it easy to automatically transmit errors and exceptions that application users encounter. Those errors are received by the Raygun service, where they are presented on a beautiful dashboard with charts and statistics, but crucially with the stack trace, environment data, request fields (if applicable) and much more. Emails are dispatched to inform you of the error, and with the addition of daily summaries you always know the health of your site or application. Another popular feature is Raygun’s support for teams and organisations, allowing your colleagues to get in on the bug stompin’ action.

Fast workflow

Many developers find YouTrack to be a great issue tracking and project management tool. Now that YouTrack integrates with Raygun, the process is fully automated. After adding the details of your YouTrack server to your Raygun account, drilling down into an error group will show a YouTrack options button. Click it, and you can assign it to an existing issue in YouTrack, or create a brand new issue. Whichever you pick, the issue will contain a link back to Raygun, allowing everyone to immediately view the exception’s stack trace, the environment data from the user’s system, and if it’s from a web site or application, the server and request data.

Your team is instantly notified about all errors, and placing it in your issue tracker takes seconds, where it can be assigned and resolved. Having the error data available from a link makes it faster and less painful to reproduce.

An introductory video walks you through the steps of setting up YouTrack with Raygun – it’s really easy, but check out the video walkthrough here:

Raygun integration with YouTrack

If you’ve already got a Raygun account, log in and go to your Application Settings page where you’ll find Plugins in the sidebar. Enter your YouTrack details there, and you’re set!

Blast errors with pleasure with Raygun and YouTrack!
JetBrains YouTrack Team