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Integrate YouTrack with TestLodge, An Online Test Management Tool

Integration between an issue tracker and a TMT (test management tool) can make a huge difference for your QA team. It allows them to create a bug from a failed test case; can automatically report an issue every time the test case fails; and much more.

YouTrack is already integrated with several TMTs including TestLink and TestRail. Today we’re happy to announce a brand new integration: with TestLodge, an online test management tool. Now you can automatically create a bug when a test case fails in TestLodge. The description, steps to reproduce, expected result and actual result are all submitted to YouTrack. Each failed test case is then linked directly to the created issue.

Take advantage of this integration with the latest YouTrack 6. Watch this short video to learn more:


If another test management tool that you use is not yet supported in YouTrack, please post a comment below to let us know.

Integrate YouTrack with your development environment and keep tracking with pleasure!