Features News

YouTrack 6.5 Roadmap: Polished and Integrated Like Never Before

The time has come to raise the curtain off our plans for the upcoming YouTrack 6.5! The release is planned for the end of Spring, and we are very excited to tell you what’s in store.

YouTrack 6.5 Feature List


  • GitHub integration improvements
  • TC integration
  • Redesigned Administration UI
  • Dashboard
  • Workflow
  • Mailbox integration
  • Bug-fix versions included in the license

Integration with Upsource

Upsource, JetBrains’ brand new repository browsing and code review tool, already provides basic integration with YouTrack. Discussions, code reviews and commit messages that contain references to specific issues are marked up with hyperlinks, enabling one-click navigation from Upsource to YouTrack. There is also a ‘Create issue’ button to create an issue in YouTrack based on a code review.

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Next, we’re going to develop specific integration stories with Upsource. In YouTrack 6.5, the integration will initially be available only in the Stand-alone version. You will be able to:

  • Extend a YouTrack issue to show comments to a revision or review that mentions the YouTrack issue in its name
  • Extend an issue to show the commits where the issue is mentioned
  • Apply YouTrack commands from a commit comment
  • Manually attach commits to an issue

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Integration with Bitbucket and GitLab

Native Bitbucket and GitLab integration will let you:

  • Type any YouTrack command in the commit comment and have it applied to the mentioned issue. (All changes will be made with the committer’s account.)
  • Use commit hashes in YouTrack issues to provide direct links to Bitbucket/Gitlab commits.
  • Add VCS changes to a specific tab of VCS commits, and filter them with the search query has:{vcs changes}.

One-click Jira Import

Import your Jira projects with all their history, watchers lists, voters, custom fields, reporters, assignees, comments, attachments, and even work items. Simply provide YouTrack with the link to your Jira, your login and your password, and that’s it! YouTrack will create a group for your Jira assignees, and users for your Jira reporters. This brand new import will support Jira 5+. It will look something like this:

1. Import settings:

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2. Original Jira issue:
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3. Issue imported in YouTrack:

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New Rest API

We’re redesigning our REST API to make it more RESTful, flexible and usable for Javascript developers. It will allow you to create an alternative UI with ease, and even write your own web client.

Project Wizard

Project Wizard is designed to greatly simplify the process of creating your first project in YouTrack. Creating a project is now as simple as completing just three fields. YouTrack will automatically create a new ‘ProjectName-team’ group with the Developer role, so the only other thing you need to is add your team members.

Create project wizard











But that’s not all. Welcome a brand new Project List, with project tiles showing the project name, description and project team. A project filter with query assistance is also included.

Project List


There is also a fast new way to edit projects, by adding a team member or group to the project team in one click.

Hub Integration

Hub is a brand new user management system from JetBrains, designed to serve as a single entry-point for all of JetBrains team tools including YouTrack, TeamCity and Upsource. Actually, YouTrack 6 comes with Hub embedded, so probably you are already familiar with the tool.

YouTrack 6.5 will introduce integration with an external Hub. After connecting YouTrack with Hub, you can enjoy single sign-on, take advantage of user and permission management in YouTrack and Upsource, and use Upsource integration. In the future, TeamCity will join in as well.


GitHub Integration

Changes from GitHub will no longer be added as comments to an issue. Now you’ll have a dedicated issue tab with VCS commits.

You can also filter a list of issues that have VCS changes with the search query has:{vcs changes}.

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Redesigned Administration UI

We’ve given lots of thought to the Administration parts of YouTrack, and we hope the new look & feel will enhance your experience with configuring and administering YouTrack projects. Included are new and improved ways to customize fields and workflows, tweak integrations, and more.

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Please give a warm welcome to the greatly enhanced Dashboard! Now you can resize your widgets, edit and drag them smoothly, and open a widget in full screen by double-clicking its header. Better query assistance, saved searches and tag filters are also available.

Dashboard 6.5


YouTrack 6.5 will introduce a number of enhancements to custom workflows. These small but nice features will improve your experience with creating and using workflows, and solve some issues you might have faced previously:

  • JT-24970 – send notification on comment update
  • JT-29205 – more detailed workflow language reference
  • JT-28920 – run ScheduledRules and TimeEvents under specific Workflow user

Mailbox integration

Using YouTrack as a help desk? We have some sweet goodies for you in YouTrack 6.5:

  • JT-28141 – add ${reply-to} variable
  • JT-28744 – all user’s emails will be now associated with one user profile
  • JT-19981 – square brackets contents in an email title shouldn’t be discarded
  • JT-28625 – add “Disable Mailbox rule” option

TeamCity Integration

  • JT-7079 Support VCS branches in Teamcity integration
  • JT-6619 Map one youtrack project with several configurations in teamcity

We hope this list includes the features you’ve voted for.

We are eager to share the brand new features with you soon, by opening the EAP (Early Access Program) within the next month. Meanwhile, please do share your feedback and comments in the comments below.

Follow us @youtrack for more YouTrack news!