
HTTPS is now available in the YouTrack InCloud Free plan

Https_for_everyone-02It’s the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t? Giving and receiving presents makes you feel happy and cherished. Well, we’ve joined Santa’s club too and prepared a nice little present for you!

Good news for all the existing and new YouTrack InCloud Free plan customers.

HTTPS is now available for everyone who uses our cloud. This means that now you can access your free instance with either a public (http) or private (https) connection without changing any settings at all. Please note that if you haven’t visited your instance for a while, it might take about an hour to update your license and enable https.

To ensure a secure connection to your free YouTrack instance, use

However, we recommend that you switch to HTTPS-only mode to ensure only private connections to your instance. Make sure that your Base URL is set to and enable ‘HTTPS only’ from the Domain Settings.

We wish you the warmest Christmas holidays and all the best in the New Year!

JetBrains YouTrack Team