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YouTrack And Raygun For Smarter Issue Tracking

This guest blog post is brought to you by Freyja Spaven, a Digital Marketing Specialist at Raygun. Please post your questions as comments below, and the author will address them.

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Do software bugs ruin your day?

Or maybe even your week, when you get tasked with solving an issue that you just cannot get to the bottom of.  Or perhaps even worse, when you’re the one who has to deal with the fallout from a major incident.

Chances are you wished you had something robust in place to deal with these situations when and after they happen. But the time to get a great issue management workflow in place is right now. Luckily, we know a nifty little setup that just might be the smoothest error management workflow possible.

YouTrack and Raygun is a good match, working together in harmony. Raygun automatically finds and diagnoses errors and issues in your software applications, bringing them to your attention on a dashboard with charts and statistics thrown in for good measure. It also groups errors that are seen to be the same so you don’t get overwhelmed with notifications for every single. Click into any error group to get diagnostic details about the error right down to the line of code it happened on. Awesome, right?

It gets even better because you can connect Raygun with YouTrack, and with two clicks do things like attach the diagnostic information to an existing issue in your YouTrack issue tracker, or create a new issue.

You may already find that YouTrack is a fantastic issue tracking and project management tool. But now that you can attach the diagnostic information about each error to a YouTrack issue, you’ll never have to waste time hunting down the root cause of the issue.

After adding the details of your YouTrack server to your Raygun account, drilling down into an error group will show YouTrack options under the integrations dropdown. Click the option that you require and you’ll be able to assign it to an existing issue in YouTrack, or create a brand new issue. The issue will contain a link back to Raygun, allowing everyone to immediately view the exception’s stack trace, the environment data from the user’s system, if it’s from a website or application, and the server and request data.

With Raygun, your team is instantly notified about every error that is occurring in your software applications. Placing it in your issue tracker takes seconds, where it can be assigned and resolved. Having the error data available from a link makes it faster and less painful to reproduce.

View the instructions on how to set up Raygun with YouTrack.

Special offer for YouTrack customers

There really is nothing to lose by giving the Raygun plus YouTrack integration a try.
Use the voucher code YOUTRACK50OFF at the end of your 30-day free trial period to get $50 of free account credit on your Raygun plan. This offer applies to new customers only, but if you’re an existing Raygun and YouTrack customer and don’t have this integration set up yet, now’s a great time to make it happen!