How-To's News

Optimize Development and Testing with the YouTrack Plugin for EasyQA

YouTrack + EasyQA

Quality Assurance teams often use dedicated tools for testing. Your developers either don’t have access to these tools or are focused on the tasks in their issue tracker. As a result, your testing process can become disconnected from your development efforts.

The best way to solve this problem is to bring these two worlds together. Integrate your test management tool with your issue tracker to synchronize testing activity with your development process.

Why Integrate EasyQA and YouTrack?

EasyQA is a test management tool, which lets you create test plans, execute test cases, generate QA test reports, and track the activity of your QA team. EasyQA also has a built-in Kanban board for reporting and tracking bugs.

By integrating with YouTrack in EasyQA, your testers can easily report bugs that are discovered during testing while your developers can work to resolve these problems in the tool they use to track other types of issues.

When you install the YouTrack plugin that was developed by the EasyQA team, you can:

  • Associate the cards that are created in EasyQA with a single YouTrack project.
  • Create an issue in YouTrack when you add a card to the Kanban board in EasyQA.
  • Update issues in YouTrack when you edit a card in EasyQA. Updates are applied to changes for the issue summary, description, type, priority, and state.
  • If you update these issues in YouTrack, you can manually run reverse synchronization with EasyQA. The automatic synchronization process only works in one direction.

To install and configure the YouTrack plugin in EasyQA, follow these instructions.
We hope that using YouTrack and EasyQA brings your development and testing teams closer together. Each team can enjoy working with an application that best supports their process while maintaining a singular overview of the work in progress.