
YouTrack 2018 Q3 & Q4 Roadmap

We’ve got some exciting features lined up for development in the second half of the year. As usual, our roadmap is just a projection. We can’t promise that we will deliver everything you see here — or that we won’t build other features. In our agile practice, we reassess our priorities on a regular basis.

2018 Roadmap@2x

Here’s what we’ve got lined up so far.

Jenkins Integration

We plan to provide the same level of integration support for Jenkins that we offer for TeamCity. You will be able to pull build numbers from Jenkins to set the fix version for issues in YouTrack, mention issues in commits, and update issues with commands from commit messages.

Custom Fields for Text

We want to add support for fields that store data as text and let you format the content in Markdown. Many of you have requested that we implement this feature and we hope to release it in the near future.

Per-project Privacy Settings for Custom Fields

We want you to be able to set the visibility for custom fields at the project level. We know that there are a lot of you out there that have tried and failed to achieve the same result using conditional custom fields and would like to alleviate your pain.

Redesigned Issues List

Just as we did with the views for new and single issues, we plan to freshen up the Issues list. The updates will be more than just cosmetic. There are a lot of usability problems that we need to resolve and new features that we want to support. We need to fix:

  • Tricky interaction between the search items in the sidebar and the search context.
  • Limitations for manually sorting long lists and subtasks.
  • Field visibility settings.

We would also like to support tree view for all levels of detail and replace the filters with a user-friendly form-based search.

Issue_list2 copy

With so many changes planned for a major feature like this, we will introduce an experimental version of the page before we release it as a full feature.

Agile Board Improvements

We’re always looking to provide the best experience for teams that follow agile methodologies like we do.

  • For Scrum teams, we want to help you track deviations from your initial estimations.
  • For Kanban teams, we want to be able to break down stages into sub-states so you can see which tasks are queued up for the next stage of development.

We also want to provide a dark theme for agile boards that’s available in all modes, not just TV.

Custom Localization Improvements

As you might know, YouTrack supports English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, and Japanese. To give you the chance to work with YouTrack in your language of choice, we also support custom translations of the YouTrack user interface.

The current implementation is tricky, so we’d like to improve it. We’ve already moved the custom localization files from the repository to a localization management platform – Crowdin. We are currently working to make these languages available directly in YouTrack. When we’re done, you’ll be able to switch to a custom localization just as you would any other available language.

Unfinished Business

We still have a few features from our last roadmap that we haven’t fully implemented yet. If you want to learn about how we plan to tackle them, read the summary in our Roadmap Retrospective.

We really appreciate your feedback, so please share your thoughts about our roadmap in the comments below. To get the latest updates, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter.