Discontinuing Support for Internet Explorer 11

Dear users,

We need to inform you that we are discontinuing support for Internet Explorer 11 starting from YouTrack 2019.2.

If you are IE 11 user, we recommend that you switch to another supported browser. YouTrack 2019.2 is approximately planned for release in August 2019, and you will be informed again about this a month before the actual release.

What does this mean?

Starting with YouTrack 2019.2, we will no longer guarantee the stability of YouTrack functionality in IE 11 and will no longer fix bugs that appear only in IE 11.

Why are we doing this?

A while ago Microsoft announced the Edge browser as their replacement for IE. Since this announcement, IE has not seen many updates, neither in terms of functionality nor from a security point of view. Based on YouTrack internal analytics, fewer than 1% of our customers are using IE 11, so we have decided to put our efforts into supporting other browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, MS Edge, etc.).

What do you need to do?

If you are using IE 11, please switch to one of the other supported browsers before the YouTrack 2019.2 release.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or difficulties – we are here to help!