Features Tips & Tricks

Tags in TeamCity

As you might know, TeamCity comes with such feature as build tags – do not confuse with supported VCS tags, because that’s an entirely different story. You can assign any number of tags for a single build, and then use them to organize your build history, or quickly navigate to the tagged builds. There is nothing tricky about that, but one might ask himself when these tags can be helpful.

Well, here is an example. Suppose, after some time of developing, your project manager decides, that you’ve finally got a stable build that can be considered a release candidate, or eap. He can mark this build with “EAP” tag, and thus, guys from QA won’t need to search through the whole build history to find the build they should carefully look at. They’ll just need to filter the history by this tag, or simply type “EAP” in the search field.

You can also leave a comment on any build, providing some extra notes about it; and just as with the tags, you can later on search for the build by the comment. Hope, you’ll like it.
Feedback is appreciated as usual.

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