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7 Steps to Build a Database Deployment Pipeline with Red Gate and TeamCity, Webinar Recording

The recording of our October 2nd webinar with Alex Yates of Red Gate, 7 Steps to Build a Database Deployment Pipeline with Red Gate and TeamCity, is now available on JetBrains YouTube Channel.

In this practical demo, Alex Yates, Pre-Sales Engineer at Red Gate,  demonstrates how to set up continuous delivery for your SQL databases using TeamCityRed Gate’s SQL Automation Pack, and Octopus Deploy.

Below are select questions and answers from our webinar.

Q: Would you not recommend using RedGate SQL CI Sync to deploy to production database?

A: Many people do use the sqlCI Sync command to make their production deployments. However, this does have certain drawbacks. Since sqlCI sync is designed for automated builds (with no human interaction) it uses the Red Gate SQL Compare engine on the fly to update the target database. For most people, when deploying to production, it is important to review the script before deployment. For this reason we are building SQL Release. SQL Release plugs-into your existing release management tools (such as Octopus Deploy), to provide you with the update scripts, change reports, and review steps you need to make database changes to production efficiently and safely. Learn more about SQL Release.

Q: We use TFS, TC and Octopus Deploy and use this intensively. However we have a Oracle DB we would like to automate – would this be possible with the Red Gate tool suite?

A: The Red Gate SQL Automation Pack includes all the command line tools from both the SQL Server Developer Bundle and the Deployment Suite for Oracle for a TeamCity Build Agent. We have not (yet) built an equivalent to sqlCI.exe or SQL Release that supports Oracle and we do not yet have a special TeamCity plug-in for Oracle DB. (Although we would like to build these tools in the future.) However, you can find instructions here to set up a similar CI process using the command lines for our existing Oracle tools and TeamCity:

Q: Do these plugins handle Red Gate SQL Source Control migrations?

A: Red Gate SQL Source Control has a feature called ‘migration scripts’. This feature allows users to hand craft update scripts in order to get around the universal issues that are found with database diff tools (such as the table re-name problem, or adding a new NOT NULL column). The current version of this feature that comes with SQL Source Control out of the box we call ‘migration scripts v1’. This version of migration scripts is not supported in the SQL Automation Pack and we have no plans to support it in the future. This is for the reason that we are re-writing ‘migration scripts’ because we want to take a fundamentally more reliable and flexible approach. ‘Migration scripts v2’ is still in BETA but migrations v2 scripts are supported in the SQL Automation Pack/TeamCity plug-in:

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