News Update

Ready For an Update? The 2023.3 Versions of JetBrains Coding Tools Are Out!

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The last release of the year brings a plethora of new features to empower you with an even more exceptional developer experience. You can find the summaries of JetBrains desktop tool updates below and dive deeper for a more detailed look.

Introducing JetBrains AI

Besides yourself, who knows your project best? Your IDE! And that’s why AI Assistant is so context-aware and helpful.

JetBrains AI Assistant is now generally available with a number of new and improved features to increase your productivity in JetBrains IDEs.

Learn more about JetBrains AI and AI Assistant from the creators themselves by watching the recording of our JetBrains AI launch event on our YouTube channel.

JetBrains IDEs: Make it happen. With code.

With the 2023.3 versions of JetBrains IDEs, our users are getting updates which streamline their coding experience, better support for version control systems, updates to web development functionality, and more product-specific features. Here are the enhancements you’ll find in most of our IDEs:

  • We’ve added several features to enhance the user experience, such as the new Speed Search shortcut, the ability to hide the main toolbar, the Default tool window layout option, and more.
  • For web development you’ll find Typescript improvements that offer a more consistent, streamlined experience when adding import type statements. We’ve also added support for the popular Cypress and Playwright web test frameworks in our IDEs.
  • The all-in-one diff viewer makes the change review process easier by allowing users to view all of the modified files in a single scrollable frame. The viewer is compatible with GitLab, GitHub, and JetBrains Space reviews in most JetBrains IDEs. GitLab integration is also supplemented with support for GitLab snippets.

Those are just the general improvements – each product also has its own specific updates. For an in-depth look, check out the summary and What’s New page for each JetBrains product that you use:

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3 includes comprehensive support for the latest Java 21 features, offers valuable updates for Kotlin and Scala development, and adds a Run to Cursor inlay option for an enhanced debugging workflow. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate now provides a seamless out-of-the-box Kubernetes development experience, offers extended support for Dev Containers, and features a number of improvements to the HTTP Client.

PyCharm 2023.3 introduces Full Line Code Completion, a feature that uses deep learning to provide multi-token code suggestions, all while keeping your data on your machine. PyCharm also comes with full support for new Python 3.12 features, a Live Preview for Django templates, and a Django Structure tool window for managing views, models, and model admin classes. For data scientists, the new UI for dataframes means you can easily sort, view, and analyze data without extra coding.

CLion 2023.3 expands the variety of supported projects by adding Meson and improving Bazel support. New abilities like Assembly view and enhanced code analysis with memory leak checkers help you dive deeper into your code. Finally, embedded developers can benefit from the newly introduced support for device tree files.

GoLand 2023.3 comes with several significant additions. Dev Containers are now officially supported. We are working on a feature set and actively developing Dev Containers support, so it comes with the “Beta” tag. The new release brings a variety of features for Go developers, including a major update to the code folding style. We’ve also added multiple productivity hints, refactorings, and quick-fixes, like hints for slice expressions and code insight for custom printf-like functions. GoLand 2023.3 also offers updates for Docker and Kubernetes integrations, updates for VCS, and tweaks for web development.

DataGrip 2023.3 introduces the integrated Lets-Plot library for seamless, no-code data visualization. This release also brings a new import functionality that enables users to import data into several targets and edit multiple things at the same time. DataGrip now offers enhanced flexibility in the data editor, allowing users to specify decimal and grouping separators for numeric data. The 2023.3 version includes numerous updates for introspection in various databases. Also, the eagerly-anticipated support for DynamoDB is now available.

WebStorm 2023.3 includes updates for Angular support: improved strict template type checking, signal handling, and the Angular 17 control-flow syntax. This release offers new completion and Rename refactoring options for Vue 3 defineSlots, as well as built-in support for the TypeScript plugin for Svelte. Furthermore, the release introduces support for Cypress and Playwright test frameworks, as well as initial support for the native Node.js test runner.

PhpStorm 2023.3 brings a lot of improvements to your PHP development experience including the recently announced support for PHP 8.3. It comes with a built-in project initializer for Symfony that facilitates the creation of new projects directly from the Welcome screen, full IDE support for Doctrine Query Language in QueryBuilder, conversion of Doctrine and Symfony annotations to attributes, and much more.

DataSpell 2023.3 introduces support for dbt Core, the well-known data transformation framework. Collaboration between Jupyter notebooks and SQL has been greatly enhanced with the addition of SQL cell functionality. Data comprehension is easier than ever, as you can now view column data statistics directly in the table accompanied by data distribution histograms. Multi-column sorting is now available in DataSpell tables. Lastly, the new Chart View in tables enables quick and easy data visualization with just a few clicks.

RubyMine 2023.3 comes with a number of performance updates, including improved indexing for Markdown and ERB files and fixes for problems causing low memory performance and freezes. Developers working on Rails applications with split structures can now take full advantage of code insight features, no matter where the controllers, views, models, or other essential application files are located. RubyMine now enables the creation of custom paths for Rails and Rails engines. Support for popular libraries and technologies has been extended: this includes running RuboCop in server mode automatically, Brakeman code inspections, working with parameterized table specs using the rspec-parameterized gem, and much more.

Rider 2023.3 offers support for the .NET 8 SDK, including the latest features from C# 12. This release version also brings an improved experience when running multiple projects, a predictive debugging mode, support for type dependency diagrams, and the ability to easily create and navigate through unit tests. Finally, there are a host of UX/UI improvements and quality-of-life updates, particularly for game and web development.

.NET tools & VS extensions

ReSharper 2023.3 offers support for the latest features from C# 12, including primary constructors, alias directives to reference any type, collection expressions, interceptors, and others. Also included are brand new entity relationship diagrams (ERD) and inspections for entity-related issues. There are several major improvements to performance, such as optimized background code analysis and the ability to control the amount of resources allocated to code analysis.

ReSharper C++ 2023.3 introduces a new built-in grammar and spelling checker, code completion and Find Usages for inactive code, updates for HLSL and Unreal Engine support, and more. In addition to a regular pack of new C and C++ language features, the latest release also brings various improvements to make ReSharper C++ work better with cross-platform code, for example, support for new clang intrinsics.

dotTrace 2023.3 comes with an improved configuration of the Timeline profiling mode, the ability to view performance profiling data right in the Source view, and a better native code analysis.

Now, you can run the standalone version of dotMemory 2023.3 on Linux and macOS. Additionally, dotMemory 2023.3 allows you to import and analyze process dumps as regular snapshots on Linux.

The 2023.3 version of dotCover command-line tools is now provided as a cross-platform framework-dependent .NET tool.

dotPeek 2023.3 comes with the ability to compare NuGet packages, folders, and .zip files, and there are now more options for comparing assemblies. When exploring NuGet packages in the Assembly Explorer, you’ll now be able to see all files and folders contained inside those NuGet packages, as well as the Win32 resource nodes in the node presentation tree or the Properties pane.

Don’t forget to update your coding tools. We recommend using the Toolbox App for managing the versions of your IDEs.

Thank you for putting your trust in our tools. We hope to provide more useful and time-saving features in future releases.

Your JetBrains team

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