Early Access Program News

CLion 2023.2 EAP2: New CMake Targets for New Files

CLion 2032.2 Early Access Program has just started with support for Docker in WSL, the ability to attach to the remote process for debugging, improved QML support, disassemble on demand, improved Memory View, updated bundled debugger versions, and CMake enhancements.

Today we’re excited to share that a new CLion 2023.2 EAP build is ready for you to try.

Build 232.6095.18 is available from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package if you are using Ubuntu. Update via patch if you are using the previous EAP build.


Creating CMake targets when adding new files to the project

CLion helps you add new C/C++ files to CMake targets automatically. This now works even when the target hasn’t been created yet!
The Add new target… action can be found in the new C/C++ file creation dialog:
New C++ file dialog
And in the Add to CMake Project dialog:
Add to CMake target dialog

In this dialog, select the CMake target type, its name, and the CMakeLists.txt file to locate it. Then, press Add. After adding a target, you can now add new files to it.

New CMake target to add file

Other improvements include:

  • This EAP build improves code completion performance for big files.
  • Terminal emulation in the output console on Windows now works for MSVC LLDB-based debugging with both regular and administrative privileges. Regardless of whether or not there’s a redirected input, it works only for local toolchains.
  • To make sure CLion can debug with Segger J-Link GDBserver correctly, it now handles the SIGTRAP signal in addition to the usual SIGINT and SIGSTOP.

The full release notes are available here.


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