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Days of ReSharper: 14/31

Joe White provides free ReSharper training to all those interested (and keeps us, the ReSharper team, on our toes) with his 31 Days of ReSharper.
Each post is a How-To of a particular segment of features, full of tips and tricks and other useful info. Posts occasionaly include comparison analysis and mini-case-studies from Joe’s personal and corporate development experience.
It is now Day 13, with 14 total posts, since a programmer’s counter starts from 0 ;)
The following 7 posts have been added:
Day 7: Code formatting – how to format as you type, formatting entire file, and so on;
Day 8: Find Usages – finding usages, filtering for “get” and “set” usages… interesting discussion about the Find Results tree;
Day 9: Parameter Info – the ins and outs of using ReSharper’s parameter info;
Day 10: Go To Type – one of the most time-saving features (also see our own Go To Type how-to);
Day 11: Code navigation – Navigate From Here context menu, Go to Declaration, and gutter icons. Some useful info there; for the rest of navigation features, see these Navigation & Search feature descriptions (although Joe probably has more coming in this section);
Day 12: Type Hierarchy view – the dirty lowdown on using the nifty Type Hierarchy view.
Day 13: File Structure view – useful for sorting methods, handling regions, and more.
We don’t know if you are on schedule so far, Joe, but each post is a great read, so keep it up :)

Technorati tags: .NET, ReSharper, Visual Studio, C#
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