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VstsUnit support in ReSharper

Just in case NUnit, csUnit, and MbUnit aren’t enough to satisfy your testing needs, we proudly bring to your attention James Kovacs’ Visual Studio Team System Unit (vstsUnit …aka MSTest) plugin for ReSharper. In James’ words:

Over the past few months, I’ve been doing test-driven development (TDD) using VstsUnit (aka MSTest), which ships with Visual Studio Team System. (A client’s choice to use VstsUnit, not mine.) I’m an avid ReSharper user and quite like their unit test runner, which allows you to run NUnit or csUnit tests directly from within Visual Studio. Unfortunately it doesn’t support VstsUnit. When Albert Weinert released MbUnit support for ReSharper a few months back, I realized that JetBrains had an undocumented plugin model for their unit test runner and I could integrate support for VstsUnit into ReSharper. Without further ado, I present to you the VstsUnit Plugin for ReSharper.

Please bring your attention to James’ site where you can nab this plugin for free:

James Kovacs’ Weblog

Installation instructions and known issues can be found on James’ site. Please do go test it out and give James some feedback. It will be to everybody’s benefit to do so.

David Stennett
Team JetBrains

Technorati tags: VSTS, unit testing, ReSharper plugins, ReSharper, .NET
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