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ReSharper 3.1 is Released!

We are proud to announce the release of ReSharper 3.1.
Believe it or not, we really are! Let the “minor version” status not confuse you: it can be a smart bargain for anyone, and that’s because the new ReSharper:

  1. Introduces Solution-Wide Analysis, an exceptionally powerful feature that lets you instantly find compilation errors in your whole solution – not just in the currently opened file
  2. Implements support for the new web-based JetBrains License Server, a tool that helps organizations distribute license tickets for ReSharper and IntelliJ IDEA between client machines
  3. Brings many bugfixes and improves overall stability level
  4. Extends support for various technologies and languages including ASP.NET, VB.NET and XAML
  5. Provides the opportunity of free upgrade to v4.0 for new purchases!

Still doubt how cool ReSharper is? Then go ahead and download your 30-day evaluation copy!

Technorati tags: ReSharper, ReSharper 3.1, Solution-Wide Analysis, License Server, bug fixes, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, XAML, Visual Studio, .NET
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