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YouTrack for OSS Projects

Quite some time ago, several OSS leads asked us about whether JetBrains could provide OSS license for YouTRACK. We’ve taken it one step further, and in collaboration with the great folks at CodeBetter and, we are pleased to announce YouTRACK at CodeBetter. Having TeamCity running most of the OSS projects on there, it only made sense to offer the same facilities for issue tracking at the same location. And seeing that YouTRACK integrates with TeamCity, we can offer all the functionality the combination is capable of.




I’d like to thank Kyle Baley, James Kovacs and Bredan Tompkins for making this possible, as without their support this wouldn’t happen. Not only are they generous in hosting YouTRACK, but also ran the risk of providing me with the credentials to the server, and at one point it looked like it had all gone to hell. Luckily however all seems to be working great now.

What are the next steps?

If you are an OSS project lead and  would like to use YouTRACK for your issue tracking, please email with your details and you’ll be up and running in no time. If you want to learn more about YouTRACK, please visit our web site.

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