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Time for Some Editor’s and Reader’s Love

What do Visual Studio Magazine readers and editors have in common?

They both like JetBrains tools!

As Visual Studio Magazine announced today, JetBrains ReSharper gets this year’s Readers Choice award in General Development Tools and the Editor’s Choice as Most Valuable Developer Tool – both for the second year in a row!

For the second year, JetBrains ReSharper earned top honors as the Most Valuable Developer Tool, dominating both our reader and panelist polling. Panelist and VSM Tools Editor Peter Vogel perhaps said it best: “I think I could write code without ReSharper—but I’m not sure anymore.”

Heavenly music to our ears!

These badges look pretty, don’t they?

That’s not all though!

Two more JetBrains products get Merit awards in their respective categories: dotTrace in Performance, Profiling and Debugging Tools, and TeamCity in Collaboration, Project Management, and Agile Solutions.

Many thanks and hugs to the panelists and readers of Visual Studio Magazine, and to all our users who’re spreading the love around! You’ve got style!

To be honest, we at the dev labs really liked ReSharper 5, too – probably more than any previous version. If ReSharper 6 lives up to expectations and becomes a stunner as we’re designing it to be, we’re hoping for a repeat success next year!

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