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ReSharper 5.1.2 Release Candidate

Here’s some news on the latest build from the ReSharper 5.x family.

You can download ReSharper 5.1.2 Release Candidate (build 1764) that provides support for Test Projects (MSTest) re-targeted to .NET Framework 3.5, in line with functionality provided in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta.

Here’s what you’ve got to do to make ReSharper 5.1.2 RC work with this kind of projects:

  1. Follow these guidelines on enabling re-targeting of Test Projects to .Net Framework 3.5 in VS 2010 SP1 Beta.
  2. Copy two files, namely QTAgent32_35.exe and QTAgent32_35.exe.config, from %programfiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDE to %programfiles%JetBrainsReSharperv5.1Bin.
    You’re done.

If all goes well with this RC, we’ll use it for the official release of 5.1.2 in mid-January.

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