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CodeMash Winners

We’ve come back from CodeMash, and some of us still recovering from Jet lag. What a great conference! During the event we collected cards for prize drawings, where you not only get a chance to win a product, but actually choose which product you want. Here are the lucky ones:


  • Scott Williams – dotTrace Personal License
  • Darren Gussin – ReSharper Personal License
  • Robert Ohmer – ReSharper Personal License
  • Marc Peabody – RubyMine Personal License
  • Justin Searls – WebStorm Personal License


Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for everyone else for taking part. If your name is on there, you should already have been contacted with your license. If that’s not the case, please get in touch with us.

Check out some pictures of CodeMash on our Facebook page

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