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Priceless: Online ReSharper Training from Pluralsight

Our good friends at Pluralsight have today made available their brand new online ReSharper training course.

How cool is that?!

Specifically, the course is the offspring of Pluralsight expert and JetBrains Academy Board member James Kovacs (@jameskovacs on twitter).

Hats off to this courageous evangelist!

This course covers everything you need to know to become a proficient ReSharper user: navigation, code analysis and coding assistance, refactorings, code cleanup, code generation and templates, unit testing, internationalization, and technology-specific ways to use ReSharper efficiently, including its capabilities in ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC, XML, WPF, Silverlight, MSBuild & NAnt. James even talks JavaScript and CSS support, which will only be available in the upcoming ReSharper 6.

This course is a great value for everyone, and here’s why:

  • If you have just recently started using ReSharper, or if you haven’t yet taken the time to dive into the multitude of its features, you simply owe it to yourself to take this excellent course.
  • If you’re staying away from ReSharper because you think it’s no better than plain Visual Studio, this course will challenge you to think out of the box – and perhaps be converted.
  • Even if you’re a long-time ReSharper user, we bet you’ll see some exciting things about the tool that you never knew existed.

Anyway, taking this online ReSharper training course may very well be one of the best possible ways to invest your time. Even more so considering that Pluralsight provides a free 200-minute trial, and their monthly single-user subscription stands at as low as $29. And if this wasn’t enough, the guys at Pluralsight are preparing a special offer for everyone interested in ReSharper, so watch closely for more announcements very soon!

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