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dotCover 1.1.1 and dotTrace Performance 4.5.1 Released

dotCover 1.1.1 and dotTrace Performance 4.5.1 have been released!

dotCover 1.1.1

Despite the minor revision number, dotCover 1.1.1 introduces a ton of new features in the release.

ReSharper 6 Integration

With the recent release of ReSharper 6, we’ve been working hard to provide support for dotCover. As in previous versions, you can now run code coverage of tests directly from Visual Studio via the ReSharper test runner:


In addition, if you’re using ReSharper 6, you now get an additional icon (image) which allows you to cover all tests from the solution easily (accessible via the shortcut key Ctrl+U, K). Of course, ReSharper 5.x is also supported with this release.

Support for Dynamic NUnit Tests

dotCover now fully supports what are classified as dynamic tests in NUnit, i.e. those with variable input parameters and thus generated when tests are run. This includes the common TestCase attribute as well as Combinatorial, Sequential, TestCaseSource, Pairwise, Repeat as well as Random and Range attributes supported in method parameters.



This of course also allows a correct interpretation of tests covered by a certain section of code:


which corresponds to placing the cursor on the return statement and asking dotCover to Show covering tests (Ctrl+Alt+K). If we were to place the code on the exception we’d get:


as expected.

Exclusion/Inclusion Nodes Persistence

In dotCover 1.1 we added the possibility of excluding or including specific tests from coverage by selecting the node in the tree. We now provide persistence of these nodes between coverage runs (saved in *.settings file when saving snapshots), as well as support for Undo and Redo operations via the normal Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y key shortcuts.


Other Improvements

Apart from the previous, this release also includes

  • Optimizations in the area of snapshot storage, memory consumption and performance of multi-threaded applications.
  • Per-Snapshot settings, allowing snapshots to be saved along with node persistence exclusions as indicated previously (saved as *.dcvr and *.settings respectively).
  • Improved notifications during coverage analysis
  • Embedded progress bar in Unit Test Session Runner, as opposed to a modal dialogue
  • Warnings when no coverage for a selected test is found

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dotTrace Performance 4.5.1

This release of dotTrace has primarily been focused on integration with ReSharper 6 and minor bug fixes and improvements. Much like dotCover, dotTrace also supports the possibility of profiling all tests with one button click (image)  or using the shortcut key Ctrl+U, O. This feature is in fact available for any custom test host provider that use ReSharper’s test runner.


Other Improvements

This release also includes:

  • Shortcut provided (Ctrl+R) for editing configuration used for profiling without having to first return to Welcome screen.
  • Fix for OutOfMemory exception when constructing Hotspot Views
  • Support for Opening all method instances merged (Ctrl+Shift+T) in Hotspots View
  • Support for Adjust Time on special functions like Garbage Collector or Native Code
  • Fix for Registry Cleanup allowing Windows services to work as intended
  • Improved stability under IIS and ASP.NET
  • Fix of the computation of the total time of Children nodes for a root constructed as implicit recursive node
  • Work started on Profiling API

and more bug fixes.
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