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The JetBrains Magical Mouseless Continuous England User Group Tour

After months of preparations and in collaboration with  NxtGen User Groups, VBug and Anteo, we are happy to announce the upcoming JetBrains User group Tour of England: 5 Days, 5 Cities, finishing it off in London in style!

The Tour Dates

  • Monday 14th Nov – Essex
  • Tuesday 15th Nov – Cambridge
  • Wednesday 16th Nov – Manchester
  • Thursday 17th Nov – Coventry
  • Friday 18th Nov – London

(For more information and Registration, see below)

The Agenda for Essex, Cambridge, Manchester and Coventry

Mouseless Driven Development

Do you know ReSharper, are using it or have used it in the past? Do you think you are getting the full potential out of it? Even developers that have been using it for several years often only scratch the surface. Come and learn all the tips and tricks of ReSharper and see how to use it to it’s full potential to truly create a mouse less driven development environment.

The Agenda for London

The London event will be slightly longer, but will be compensated with Food and Beer!

Mouseless Driven Development

Do you know ReSharper, are using it or have used it in the past? Do you think you are getting the full potential out of it? Even developers that have been using it for several years often only scratch the surface. Come and learn all the tips and tricks of ReSharper and see how to use it to it’s full potential to truly create a mouse less driven development environment.

Continous Delivery

Paul Stack joins us to talk about Continuous Delivery and how to use TeamCity for this purpose:

Continuous Delivery is all about allow features to be delivered in a more timely and reliable fashion. In this session, Paul will introduce the concepts of continuous delivery, through continuous integration;  automation of builds, test and deployment process, version control techniques for Continuous Delivery, Pitfalls, Objections and Obstacles.

Sebastian Lambla will show us to to twist Visual Studio and ReSharper to provide dynamic plug-in functionality with OpenWrap.


If you are going to attend the London meeting, please use our EventBrite page to sign up. If you are going to attend one of the other meetings across England, please use the corresponding link below to register directly with the user group.

(In London we will be providing Food and Drinks, so please make sure that you sign up ahead of time. Places unfortunately are limited to approximately 70 people!)


Unfortunately, despite our initial intentions of also including Scotland in the tour, we were not able to due to scheduling. However, we hopefully do plan to repeat the tour with Scottish User Groups in the New Year so please stay tuned!

Thank you!

A big Thank You to the Coordinators of NxtGen User Group, VBug and Anteo for their efforts in organizing this tour and collaborating with us in all possible ways.

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