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ReSharper 6.1 EAP for Visual Studio 11

We recently announced the availability of ReSharper 6.1 EAP which includes initial experimental support for VS11. What wasn’t included was an installer, which made the whole support pretty much useless. We only realized this after shipping it and someone tweeting “WTF is VS11 checkbox?”


In all seriousness though, we knew that this was missing. We had intended to provide a VSIX that allows you to install ReSharper 6.1 in VS11 on the same day of the release of EAP, but it didn’t happen. However, that VSIX is now available, and you can obtain it from the nightly build (which btw have resumed) page, as well as the SDK. The evaluation license key for the VSIX is also provided. To install it into VS11, merely close down the IDE, double-click on the VSIX and you’re done.

If you have any issues please report them here or on our forums.

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