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ReSharper 7 EAP for Visual Studio 11 Beta is now OPEN!

As you may know, on the 29th of February, apart from an Azure outage caused by a leap year bug, Microsoft also released Visual Studio 11 Beta and Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

Immediately we started getting tweets asking when we’d support the Beta. In fact we already supported it. We had it working internally, but needed to test a few more things before opening it up. After a few days of testing, it now looks like we have a reasonable enough build to release out in the public.

Before you proceed to play with ReSharper in VS11 Beta, let us prevent false expectations with a few important notes:

  • If you have previously installed ReSharper 6 VSIX for VS11 Developer Preview, please remove the obsolete VSIX through Tools | Extension Manager.
  • The download is an MSI installer and it only works in Visual Studio 11 Beta. You won’t get ReSharper 7.0 EAP installed into Visual Studio 2010 or 2008. Support for these will come later on.
  • Installing ReSharper 7 EAP for VS11 Beta will keep earlier versions of ReSharper in Visual Studio 2010, 2008, and/or 2005. You can still use ReSharper 6.x or earlier in these VS releases, and at the same time have ReSharper 7.0 EAP installed in Visual Studio 11 Beta.
  • VS11 Beta support means that ReSharper 7 EAP plays nice with VS11 Beta in most scenarios that involve existing code bases. There are known issues here and there, and we’ll be looking to fix them as we go further with this EAP. The EAP will culminate with the release of ReSharper 7 Preview for VS11 Beta later this month.
  • As usual with ReSharper EAPs, this is an evaluation version. As such, you do not need a license key and your license key for 6 will not work. When it runs out, just download a newer VS11 Beta-compatible ReSharper build.
  • Currently there is only basic support for asynchronous solution loading, a new feature in VS11. We are working on this and it will be supported in full.
  • Currently there is no support for WinRT projects: expect false positives from ReSharper code inspections in these. Again, we are working on this and it will be supported.
  • However, some VS11-specific support is already there: for example, ReSharper can open stuff in provisional tabs when you navigate and search for usages; it makes its commands available through Quick Launch and the updated Solution Explorer.

And once again, this is a very early EAP release. Use with extreme caution. We know that many of you really like to have ReSharper and as such, have decided to open the EAP as soon as possible.

And remember, any and all feedback is welcome. Although we listen to all channels, including comments here, twitter, email, or forums, for bugs we prefer you file them directly in our bug tracking system. That way, we make sure it doesn’t slip and you’re also aware of the progress.

Now that you feel you’re ready, download ReSharper 7 EAP for VS11 Beta.

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