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dotCover 2.5 EAP is Open: Now with Hot Spots View

We are excited to announce dotCover 2.5 Early Access Program launch. Now you can download and play with dotCover 2.5 early builds.

    And here is a list of what’s new:

  • dotCover 2.5 integrates with the latest ReSharper 8 EAP build. So if you were quick to install it, we are glad to tell that now you can continue using this combination.
  • With dotCover 2.5 you get an ability to merge coverage snapshots with different filters applied.
  • In version 2.5 we finalized the Hot Spots view, that helps you identify the most risky methods in your solution, in terms of high cyclomatic complexity and low unit test coverage:
    Hot Spots view in dotCover 2.5

One more improvement that was not yet implemented but is being worked on in the scope of this update is memory consumption optimization. Stay tuned for more details when we’re done with this improvement.

Please download dotCover 2.5 EAP build, and let us know about any issues you might be facing via dotCover issue tracker.

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