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ReSharper 8.0 is Available

Following a great effort from both the product team and early adopters, we’re excited to finally announce that ReSharper 8.0 is officially released and available for download!

The new release refines many existing functionality areas and introduces a new one, namely architecture tools. Highlights of ReSharper 8.0 include:

  • Support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview while preserving compatibility with previous versions of the IDE, namely Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012.
  • Faster code fixes. Thanks to the new Fix in Scope mechanism, many of the code fixes that ReSharper suggests can now be batch-applied in the scope of a project, project folder, or even the whole solution. Watch video
  • Architecture tools. ReSharper can now visualize a project dependency graph for a high-level perspective of dependencies within a Visual Studio solution, and do so without requiring to compile any code. Watch video
  • Multifile templates. This new kind of ReSharper templates allows expanding to more than a single file, helping easily generate view-model pairs and other common sets of files. Watch video
  • New navigation features including Go to Everything, Assembly Explorer, Navigate to Generic Substitutions and Navigate to Assembly Explorer. Watch video
  • New automated refactorings. The set of fresh refactorings is headlined by the highly requested Move Instance Method to move methods between classes without making them static. Watch video
  • Extraordinary XAML support. Developers working on WPF, Windows Phone, Windows Store and other kinds of XAML-based applications are now covered with a new set of dedicated code inspections and quick-fixes, plus a pack of refactorings to manipulate styles and resources, among other improvements. Watch video
  • Revised code completion. ReSharper 8 brings richer automatic completion that is able to import types, the new concept of double completion, code generation items in suggestion lists, and more improvements to IntelliSense. Watch video
  • Easy extension management. With the new NuGet-based Extension Manager, discovering, installing and uninstalling ReSharper extensions is now much quicker in Visual Studio 2010 and higher. Some of the most popular ReSharper plugins are already available as packages to use with ReSharper 8.0, including ReSharper-AngularJS, NuGet support (which is actually now a bundled plugin), ReSpeller and XUnit Contrib. A number of other popular plugins are currently being ported to 8.0. Watch video
  • CSS support improvements. Web developers can now enjoy browser compatibility checks, new code inspections and color conversion actions, as well as CSS code completion available in many new contexts. Watch video
  • Free command-line version of ReSharper. The new ReSharper Command Line Tools is a set of free console tools that execute ReSharper inspections outside of Visual Studio and additionally help find code duplicates. Distributed as a separate download, the tools can be integrated with Continuous Integration or code quality management servers.

If you’re interested to learn more about the new release, watch videos referenced above or read all blog posts about ReSharper 8 that we’ve been rolling out in recent months (and there’s more of them to come).

Whether you go for details or not, you just owe it to yourself to download ReSharper 8.0 and test it in action.

Enjoy the new ReSharper!

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