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dotTrace 5.5 Performance is Released!

Please welcome dotTrace 5.5 Performance, an update for our performance profiler. Apart from minor fixes, it includes the following changes:

  • Integration with recently released ReSharper 8.
  • A new way to analyze snapshots in terms of Subsystems. With Subsystems view you get a quick overview of where a possible bottleneck may originate without digging deep into callstacks. Subsystems are customizable: create your own profiles, add new subsystems or change the colour schemes to fit your needs.

    Watch this short video to learn more how Subsystems can help you:

  • Refined Overview tab that shows all significant information about application performance including its Hot Spots, all in one screen:

  • New Hot Spots algorithm accounting for system code.
  • Last but not least, dotTrace snapshot files (*.dtp) now occupy twice less disk space.

Feel free to download and try the updated dotTrace 5.5 Performance right now!

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