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ReSharper 9.1 and ReSharper C++ Early Builds Available for Download

I know you are all still recovering from the New Year celebrations but we’ve already got another Early Access Preview (EAP) version of ReSharper for you. As is customary, this ReSharper 9.1 EAP release includes new features, improvements to existing features, bug fixes and also continues improving our impending release of ReSharper C++.

Visual Studio 2015 Integration and C#6 support

We continue working on VS2015 and C#6 support and, for this EAP, we have implemented the following:

  • ReSharper now supports Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5.
  • Support for new C# language constructs as the nameof() operator and string interpolation. More things in this field are to come a bit later.
  • Last, but certainly not least, ReSharper provides support for .NET Framework 4.6 and ASP.NET 5 projects. We will continue working on improving ASP.NET support and more enhancements are to come with future early access builds.

User Experience Improvements

Code completion items have been reordered to provide more relevant completion items first. This feature is currently functioning in experimental mode — to turn it on, pick sorting by relevance in ReSharper | Options | IntelliSense | Completion Behavior.

To make search results for generic types more relevant, Find usages is now able to return only exact types:

Find usages of generic types in ReSharper 9.1. EAP

You can adjust to your needs the way that Find Usages works via ReSharper | Options | Search & Navigation | Find generic type usages behavior.

ECMAScript and TypeScript support

This iteration of ReSharper comes with improved support for both ECMAScript and TypeScript.

  • Initial ECMAScript 6 support, including support for let/const, templates, new literals and computed property names.
  • Improvements in TypeScript 1.4 support, including union types, parenthesized types and type aliases.

Known Issues

  • At this point ReSharper 9.1 EAP doesn’t provide support for MSTest in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5 due to API changes, this is going to be addressed in upcoming updates (Corresponding issue in our tracker).

We’re still working on more features and improvements, which will appear as part of the 9.1 release, so stay tuned for further updates. Here is a full list of issues that were addressed in the first ReSharper 9.1 EAP build.

ReSharper C++

Finally, here are some improvements on the C++ side of things:

  • ATL, MFC and COM project support is now in place, including support for #import directives.
  • Cache loading speed has been improved by a factor of 10× — this means a dramatically improved repeat start-up time.
  • Unused #include detection means R# finds unused include statements, highlights them and offers you the option to remove them.

ReSharper for C++ is getting very close to release so, with that in mind, we’d really appreciate if you post any issues you have with it (including screenshots, if possible) on our issue tracker. Thanks!

Meanwhile feel free to download ReSharper 9.1 EAP builds and let us know how this update is working out for you. Also note that compatible EAP builds for our other .NET tools, including dotTrace 6.1, dotCover 3.1, dotMemory 4.3 and dotPeek 1.4 are available for installation as well.

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