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ReSharper 9.1.1 RC and Matching ReSharper Ultimate Update for Visual Studio 2015 RC

At Build 2015, Microsoft has just announced a new Release Candidate drop of Visual Studio 2015.

For those of you who are migrating to the new Visual Studio 2015 build, please download ReSharper 9.1.1 RC and accompanying updates to other ReSharper Ultimate tools.

Apart from support for the latest drop of Visual Studio 2015, the new ReSharper Ultimate update adds per-machine installation, introduces hot fixes in code completion and source templates, as well as lots of improvements in ReSharper C++.

Note that ASP.NET 5 Beta 4 is not supported so far but the final 9.1.1 release in a few weeks will add support for that as well.

By the way, JetBrains is at Build 2015 with a stand. If you’re at the event, come by and say “hi” or discuss the present and future of JetBrains tools for Visual Studio.

Speaking of Build 2015, Microsoft has also announced Visual Studio Code which is a cross-platform code editor with support for .NET applications. In case you’re wondering, we currently have no plans to integrate with this editor since it’s not extensible.

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