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Welcome ReSharper 9.2, ReSharper C++ 1.1 and More Ultimate Updates

This is to let you know that a fresh update of ReSharper Ultimate tools is now available for download!

This update consists of ReSharper 9.2, ReSharper C++ 1.1, dotTrace 6.2, dotCover 3.2, dotMemory 4.4 and dotPeek 1.5. Let’s take a quick look on what’s new in each of them.

ReSharper 9.2

In addition to almost 400 fixes, ReSharper 9.2 release includes:

  • Improved support for Visual Studio 2015 RTM. ReSharper 9.2 refines integration with Visual Studio 2015 RTM, addressing issues discovered in versions 9.1.2 and 9.1.3.
  • Support for Windows 10 Developer Tools. ReSharper 9.2 provides code completion for API checks and supports new Windows 10 specific constructs.
    Code completion in ReSharper Api checks
  • JavaScript and TypeScript support enhancements including full support for TypeScript 1.5 and ECMAScript 6 and support for regular expressions. Regular expression support for JavaScript in ReSharper 9.2
    Going further in supporting new language versions, ReSharper 9.2 is already aware of such TypeScript 1.6 features as local types, abstract classes, type predicates, async functions and methods and the await operator. Moreover, Go to type of symbol navigation option is now available from the Navigate to menu:
    Go to type of symbol in ReSharper 9.2
    Stay tuned for more details on how ReSharper 9.2 enhances JavaScript and TypeScript support.
  • Run configurations. This is a brand new feature that allows you to create, manage, and execute multiple run configurations in a single solution. A run configuration lets you run, profile or debug a project, a static method or any executable file. For static methods, a run configuration can be quickly created right in the editor:
    Run Configuration from a static method
    You can create multiple run configurations depending on your needs and preferences. To run or debug the active configuration, press Ctrl+F5 or F5. By default, the solution will be rebuilt, but you can also execute the active configuration without rebuilding. If you have dotTrace installed and integrated in Visual Studio, you can launch profiling from the same pop-up menu: 

    Profiling run configuration in ReSharper 9.2

  • A reworked Go to Usages navigation pop-up (which is a non-modal version of Find Usages). The Go to Usages pop-up now shows the context of discovered usages, as well as a progress bar, which can be very handy when looking at heavily used symbols.

ReSharper C++ 1.1

ReSharper C++ 1.1 comes with a variety of updates, such as:

  • Google Test support. ReSharper C++ 1.1 introduces a unit test runner for Google Test that lets you invoke tests and test cases contextually from the editor. Similar to the mainline ReSharper, it comes with Unit Test Explorer and Unit Test Sessions tool windows to view, group, filter and run unit tests, as well as to create and manage unit test sessions. You can also add individual tests to sessions right from the text editor, via the Alt+Enter contextual menu.Google test support in ReSharper C++
    Please note that profiling and code coverage options are not applicable to Google Test sessions.
  • Includes Hierarchy view helps visualize dependencies between #include directives.Hierarchy of include directives in ReSharper C++
  • Enhanced C++ core features support includes inline namespaces (С++11), binary literals and digit separators (С++14).
  • New live template macros for specifying expected types, expected variable names and the current namespace in new live templates that you create for your code bases.
  • Two new refactorings: Introduce namespace alias and Introduce field. Introduce namespace alias refactoring is available via Refactor this menu and can be applied to the initial occurrence or to all occurrences by selection:
    Introduce field refactoring allows to create a new field based on a selected expression, initialize it with the expression or from the constructor, and replace occurrences:Introduce Field refactoring in ReSharper C++ 
  • New code inspections to detect not implemented inline functions, redundant inline specifiers on a function definition and functions that can be const, as well as quick-fixes for these inspections. Automatic import now works with macros as well.
  • A set of performance improvements, most notably ensuring that quick-fixes are immediately available on solution load.

Watch this short video for an overview of what is new in ReSharper C++ 1.1:

The other tools in ReSharper Ultimate have received the following improvements:

With dotTrace 6.2 you can:

  • Analyze incoming HTTP requests of your web applications by means of a new filter in Timeline mode. You can get the exact data on how a particular HTTP request is processed.
    Incoming HTTP Requests
  • Create and profile ReSharper’s predefined run configurations with different run parameters for your startup project.
  • Instantly profile any static method in your code. Simply place the cursor on the method, press Alt+Enter, and in the action list select Debug | Profile ([profiling_type]).
  • Browse performance snapshots right in Visual Studio to delete or keep particular data for further analysis.

dotMemory 4.4 allows you to:

  • Automate the process of getting snapshots. Just set a particular condition and snapshots will be collected automatically after condition is met, such as significantly increased memory consumption or exact period of time.
    Get snapshot by condition in dotMemory
  • Enjoy recently released Sunburst diagram even more with improved navigation and performance.

dotMemory Unit framework 2.0 receives a stand-alone runner for continuous integration, and extends the list of supported out-of-the-box unit testing frameworks to XUnit, MBUnit, csUnit, MSTest, and NUnit. The latter two can also be run from Visual Studio with ReSharper.

dotCover 3.2

Adds integration with ReSharper 9.2 and a set of bug fixes. Check the release notes for more details.

Please note: Currently, MSTest coverage in Windows 10 applications developed in Visual Studio 2015 using the latest Windows 10 tools is not supported, this is scheduled for the next update.

Download them all

Here’s the obligatory big red button at the end of the post:

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Licensing and upgrade options

In terms of licensing and upgrades, here are the options available:

  • ReSharper 9.2 is a free upgrade for you if you have a valid ReSharper upgrade subscription or a per-major-version license to ReSharper 9. Updates to ReSharper C++, dotMemory, dotTrace and dotCover are free if you have a valid upgrade subscription to the respective product or to ReSharper Ultimate.
  • You may purchase a single license for ReSharper Ultimate, which includes ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotTrace, dotCover, and dotMemory. Learn more about ReSharper Ultimate.
  • If you need a formal quote or any other assistance, you are welcome to contact JetBrains sales.
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