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ReSharper Ultimate 2016.2 EAP: Build 2

Hello everyone. Last week we have published the second EAP build of ReSharper Ultimate 2016.2.

As usual, there are some fixed issues and a couple of new features:

  • Support of .NET Core RC2 projects, which means that ReSharper now correctly resolves project references and provides its core set of features (code inspections, code completion, navigation, search and refactorings) in projects of this type.
  • Speaking about support of different project types and problems that arise here, ReSharper 2016.2 brings a universal clue to the problem of unresloved project references. While previously it just showed tons of errors in the editor and red SWA indicator, it now notifies you as soon as some project references are unresolved
    ReSharper shows unresolved project references
    and allows to address this in two ways: either list all unresolved references to fix them manually or run MSBuild and obtain correct references that Visual Studio uses for compilation:
    ReSharper helps fixing unresolved references
  • ReSharper’s code inspections, code completion, navigation, search and refactorings are now also available for custom properties and variables in CSS:
    ReSharper supports custom properties and CSS variables.

If you encounter any issues with this EAP build, please report them to ReSharper issue tracker.

That’s it for today. Stay tuned however, because EAP builds that follow will bring much more new features.

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