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Find in Path gutter and more UI improvements in Rider 2017.2

In Rider 2017.2 EAP, we made some changes to Find in Path (Ctrl+Shift+F). Search results from the same lines are now merged together. The Preview panel now has a left-hand gutter that displays line numbers, navigation icons, context actions and local change markers. This makes it easy to make changes directly from a search!
Find in Path improvements

Usually, we write our blog posts using Rider’s dark Darcula theme. However, since the IntelliJ platform received various user interface improvements that Rider is now taking advantage of, this blog post will feature a couple of light screenshots as well.

On Windows 10 (in the IntelliJ theme), the appearance of buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, text fields, select controls, spinner and a few others has been updated to follow the system look and feel. The drop-down and checkboxes in the next screenshot show this in action:
Look and feel of Windows 10 controls

For high-DPI users on Windows, we now scale the UI and fonts based on the monitor Rider is running on. This makes the UI look more crisp and provides better support for environments where multiple monitors have different scaling settings (although we’re still ironing out a few issues).

Please download Rider 2017.2 EAP and give the new build a try!

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