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ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 hits RTM

ReSharper and our other .NET tools have just become even more Ultimate. Please welcome ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2!

ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 hits RTM

Let’s have a look at the key changes this release brings to the table:

  • Performance improvements: We’ve made about 30 performance fixes in different parts of ReSharper, from speeding up EditorConfig support to decreasing solution loading times. Please see this blog post series dedicated to ReSharper 2018.2 for more details.
  • C# 7.3 support: ReSharper finally supports all features from the latest C# 7.3. New inspections and appropriate quick-fixes are here to make your code C# 7.3 compatible.
  • JSLint, ESLint, and TSLint support: These three great static analysis tools have been integrated into JavaScript/TypeScript code analysis to provide additional inspections and corresponding quick-fixes.
  • Integrated spell checking with ReSpeller: 2018.2 comes with spell-checking functionality out of the box, enabled for most of the supported languages.
  • Initial Blazor support: Even though Blazor is declared experimental for now, we’ve added initial support for this promising framework in ReSharper. For instance, code completion includes all the possible directives, e.g. page (routing), inject (service injection), and function (component members).
  • The Parameter Info popup and the Summary tooltip for IntelliSense: When using code completion in C# or VB.NET, ReSharper displays parameter types and method return types in a different color, making it easier to visually identify method overloads.
  • Navigation improvements: Now you can exclude files by mask from all Search & Navigation features, and find function signatures copied from dotTrace’s or Visual Studio’s call stack view in Search Everywhere. File Structure, Containing Declaration, and Next/Previous Members now take local functions into account.
  • The formatter engine update: Comments in a code file that override formatter settings can be generated automatically. The presentation for formatting rules which come from a StyleCop configuration file has been improved.
  • Refactorings UI update: Several ReSharper refactorings have been moved to the new presentation framework, which will yield many benefits in the coming future thanks to a unified control behavior for ReSharper and Rider. As for visible UI changes, most noticeable ones are code completion available in Change Signature and a better presentation for Extract Method.
  • Other features: Fix-in-scope quick-fixes now have more granular fixing scopes; the code style for Built-in Type has been improved; there’s a new option to execute BeforeBuild and AfterBuild targets for skipped projects in ReSharper Build; and a new inspection was added to highlight misplaced text in XAML.

For more details, please refer to the What’s New in ReSharper page. In addition to enhancing performance and adding new features, we’ve fixed more than 350 requests in YouTrack.

Other tools from ReSharper Ultimate family also get an update:

  • ReSharper C++ 2018.2 adds highly requested support for C++/CLI and deepens its understanding of many new features from C++17 and the upcoming C++20, including class template argument deduction, fold expressions, coroutines, and more. Code analysis is augmented with spell-checking inspections powered by the bundled ReSpeller plugin, as well as formatting inspections that help you maintain a consistent code style.
  • dotCover 2018.2: in addition to Visual Studio, dotCover is now part of the JetBrains Rider IDE on Windows. Currently, there are two main features supported: code coverage analysis of unit tests and continuous testing. dotCover console runner also got an update: now, it can be used as an extension to .NET command-line tools (dotnet.exe). For example, you can run coverage analysis of unit tests by running: dotnet dotcover test
  • dotTrace 2018.2 is mainly about performance improvements with one more feature that made it into the release. When configuring the profiling of an arbitrary .NET process, you can now set an include filter and have dotTrace attach itself only to the process that matches the filter.
  • dotMemory 2018.2 finally gets the ability to profile ReSharper run configurations, which makes it possible to profile not only your startup project, but any arbitrary executable, or even any static method. The timeline graph (the one you see during profiling) is also improved: not only is it available for all types of apps including .NET Core and ASP .NET Core, but it also contains a new Allocated in LOH since GC chart. The chart shows instant memory allocation to the Large Object Heap and can be very helpful in detecting excessive allocations of large objects.
  • dotPeek 2018.2 improves navigation to interfaces, enums, and any types that have no method implementations.

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