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From F# to JavaScript with Fable – Webinar Recording
The recording of our August 20 webinar, From F# to JavaScript with Fable, with Florian Verdonck, is now available. Subscribe to our community newsletter to receive notifications about future webinars.
Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler powered by Babel, designed to produce readable and standard code. It has an active community and can be used across the entire JavaScript spectrum.
This webinar will start with a beginner-friendly introduction and move on to some highlights were Fable really shines. Don’t be shy if you are new to F#, functional programming or web development.
Webinar agenda:
- 0:34 What is Fable?
- 4:22 Introduction to FSharp
- 12:55 ELM architecture
- 17:20 Building a demo application
- 1:09:50 Q&A
- Source code used during the presentation (Tour of Heroes)
- FableConf – 6/7 September, Antwerp
- Fable documentation
About the presenter:

Florian is a passionate young .NET consultant at Axxes. With a love for functional programming, he contributes to open-source projects and tries to be active in the F# community. Follow him on Twitter.
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P.S.: On September 5, 2019, we have another webinar: TDD and the Terminator – An introduction to Test Driven Development. More info »