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ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2.3 Bugfix Is Here!

Moments ago we published a new bugfix – please welcome ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2.3. It delivers highly requested support for the .NET Core 3.0 release build, which was released earlier, for all the tools in the ReSharper Ultimate family!

In addition, ReSharper 2019.2.3 includes about 30 resolved requests such as these:

  • Lots of fixes related to the MSBuild-based project model.
  • “Override” code completion does not touch members above the completed element anymore.
  • Typing a single quote in code comments does not insert a pair of single quotes anymore.

Other tools from the Ultimate pack have lots of fixes as well:

  • ReSharper C++ 2019.2.3 delivers several fixes to better support the MSBuild-based project model while loading C++ projects. The Parameter info popup now appears automatically, and focus is not lost anymore after you apply the “Generate implementation” quick-fix. The full list of fixes is here.
  • dotTrace 2019.2.3 fixes various issues.
  • dotCover 2019.2.3 fixes a number of important issues related to dotCover’s console runner.
  • dotMemory 2019.2.3 fixes issues related to unsupported types and bugs in the profiler core.

To install ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2.3, download the build from or run ReSharper | Help | Check for Updates right in MS Visual Studio.

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