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Q&A Session with the .NET Team on Reddit

The JetBrains .NET team would like to invite you to our Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit at r/dotnet. Reddit is home to a thriving .NET community that we’d like to engage and hear feedback from, in addition to the many other channels of communication we’ve been using.

You can ask us anything about our family of .NET products, the technologies we work with, our .NET team, or JetBrains in general. We’ll try to give you the best answers we can.

Ask us a question

We’re going to answer all your questions on Reddit on January 21, from 3 PM CET to 7 PM CET (9 AM – 1 PM EST) (visit this page to convert those to your local times). You’re very welcome to submit them beforehand as top-level comments to this post.

In addition to this AMA session, you can always reply in comments to our blog posts, get in touch with us on Twitter by mentioning any of our products or @JetBrains, file a support ticket, or use our issue tracker.

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