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ReSharper 2021.3.2 and Rider 2021.3.2 Bug Fixes Are Here

Hello everybody,

We’ve just released the second bug-fix updates for ReSharper and Rider 2021.3. Here’s a quick look at the changes we’ve made:


  • We’ve fixed the issue that caused ReSharper to get stuck endlessly analyzing a file (RSRP-487310).
  • We’ve fixed another problem that was occurring when analyzing Razor and Blazor code (RSRP-487001).
  • We’ve fixed a false positive warning in NRT analysis (RSRP-487225).

For the full list of fixes, please see our bug tracker.


  • We’ve fixed the issue that caused a failure when publishing a Blazor WebAssembly project to a folder (RIDER-71884).
  • We’ve fixed the functionality for copying text from the debug console with Ctrl+C (RIDER-70668)
  • We’ve fixed the slowdowns and crashes caused by an issue in code analysis (RIDER-71868, RSRP-487310).
  • We’ve fixed the shortcut issue in the NuGet tool window (RIDER-72074).
  • We’ve fixed the issue shortcuts that were working unreliably in unit testing (RIDER-71771).
  • We’ve fixed the empty tooltips in F# (RIDER-63985).
  • We’ve added support for DevExpress 21.2 (RIDER-70552).

For the full list of resolved issues, please refer to our bug tracker.

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