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.NET Tools How-To's

HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers – Tutorial

If you’re developing ASP.NET Core applications, and are looking at building a rich client-side experience, you’re in luck. We just published a new tutorial to the JetBrains .NET Guide:

HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers

In this tutorial, our developer advocate Khalid Abuhakmeh introduces you to HTMX, and how to integrate it into your ASP.NET Core apps.

HTMX is a JavaScript library designed to bring the fun back into building robust client-side applications. It relies on server-rendered HTML to create client-side experiences with an approachable declarative set of attributes that support all of the HTTP methods typically unavailable as part of traditional HTML forms.

In 15 steps, you will learn about a variety of topics, from installing the library into an existing ASP.NET Core application to examples of using HTMX to provide UI experiences from the simple to the extremely complex.

Finally, you’ll see a “real world” sample of HTMX in a shopping cart site, bringing together all concepts that you learned in earlier steps.

All code is available on GitHub as well, so you can explore the many examples that Khalid cooked up.

Now go check out the tutorial!

What else is there?

The JetBrains .NET Guide has several other tutorials about .NET technologies:

Have your own tips & tricks to share? Want to see or write a specific tutorial? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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