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.NET Tools Bugfix News Releases

ReSharper and Rider 2023.1.1 – Bug Fixes Are Here

Hello everyone,

The ReSharper and Rider 2023.1.1 bug-fix updates have just been released! Let’s go over the most important fixes in those builds.


These are the most critical issues we’ve fixed:  

  • A bug causing ReSharper’s code inspection to incorrectly interpret null-coalescing operators, falsely claiming that the left side of the operation can never be null (RSRP-491824).
  • An error causing ReSharper to display the loading status symbol for unit tests that have already been run (RIDER-92123). 
  • A behavior where ReSharper would display bogus “already in interface list” inspections for interfaces nested inside a generic class, and referencing the nested interface in child classes of the generic class (RSRP-491716).
  • An issue with InspectCode reporting CSharpErrors for code generated using source generators (RSRP-491576).
  • A behavior in the ReSharper extension manager that suggested packages that weren’t the latest available version (RSRP-491711).
  • A bug preventing the installation of ReSharper plugins on ARM64 platforms (RSRP-491876).
  • Broken links in the descriptions in ReSharper | Options | Code inspection | Inspection Severity (RSRP-491746).
  • Instances of false red code in Razor projects (RSRP-491750).

For the full list of resolved issues, please refer to our issue tracker.


Here is a list of the top bugs we fixed:

  • A bug causing Rider’s code inspection to incorrectly interpret null-coalescing operators, falsely claiming that the left side of the operation can never be null (RSRP-491824).
  • An error causing Rider to display the loading status symbol for unit tests that have already been run (RIDER-92123). 
  • A behavior where Rider would display bogus “already in interface list” inspections for interfaces nested inside a generic class, and referencing the nested interface in child classes of the generic class (RSRP-491716).
  • Incorrect operation of the automatic ESLint configuration (RIDER-92039). 
  • Issues causing some erratic behaviors in the Editor window, particularly when navigating into a file using Search Everywhere (RIDER-88940). 
  • A bug causing Rider to crash Unreal Editor when opening a Blueprint (RIDER-91969).
  • A bug causing a critical failure to occur when navigating to errors detected by Rider in source code generated by a .NET source generator (RIDER-91153).
  • Schema Compare couldn’t be used with the latest SQL Server Data Tools (RIDER-92298).
  • A bug making Rider unable to rename files in solutions referencing Nerdbank.GitVersioning ( RIDER-89973). 
  • The missing Cancel button in the Apply Changes window in the debugger (RIDER-90284). 
  • Instances of false red code in Razor projects (RSRP-491750).
  • Additionally, Rider now supports authenticated access to images in GitHub (IDEA-316245).

For the full list of fixed bugs, please refer to our issue tracker.


  • We have fixed a bug that blocked dotTrace’s ability to open a snapshot if the profiler was an x64 version run on an ARM64 processor (DTRC-29667). 


  • The Show Covering Tests context action in the coverage tree now works even if focus is lost (DCVR-11858).
  • The Coverage tree has excluded nodes notification now correctly appears when you choose Exclude from Coverage Results from the drop-down list of actions (DCVR-11570).

Dynamic Program Analysis

Unfortunately, DPA in the latest versions of ReSharper and Rider don’t yet support the analysis of x64-emulated processes running on ARM machines. 

The current bug-fix update displays a relevant disclaimer, while the fix for the support itself is coming with the first EAP installment of version 2023.2 in just a few days (DPA-1201). 

You can download Rider 2023.1.1 and ReSharper 2023.1.1 from our website or update either product by using the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap for Ubuntu.

We would appreciate your feedback on the new versions! Please don’t hesitate to contact us in the comments below, on our issue tracker, or on social media.

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