ReSharper and Rider have just received their second set of bug-fix updates for the 2023.1 release! Let’s take a look at the most crucial issues resolved.
ReSharper and Visual Studio would crash if there was a $ symbol before a string (RSRP-492006).
The Convert To List Pattern quick-fix broke code that dealt with arrays (RSRP-491638).
Rider was hanging after updating to 2023.1 (RIDER-92254).
The IDE would freeze when the user created a baker before including Unity.Entities in a Unity project (RIDER-92309)
.NET Framework projects in the .csproj format weren’t being built after upgrading to 2022.3.1 (RIDER-87113).
The Options and Hide buttons in the Debug window disappeared after disabling the New UI (RIDER-84418).
Rider was showing the VSTS Device Code Authentication dialog repeatedly and failed to get a token (RIDER-91953).
Hot Reload was not working for layout changes in ASP.NET Core MVC apps on macOS (RIDER-69650).
Language injections were interfering with the Undo action (RIDER-85801).
Remote debugging would not allow you to upload the debug tools (RIDER-86140).
Rider was sometimes unable to debug Docker Compose (RIDER-92541).
#r “nuget: PackageName” was not working for F# script files (RIDER-86308).
Unreal projects loaded from .uproject failed to show game configurations (RIDER-87087).
There was a problem with debugging Azure functions in an isolated worker launched under Rosetta (RIDER-92326).
The Build button had an incorrect layout in the new UI (IDEA-304472).
For the full list of issues resolved in this build, please refer to our issue tracker.
You can download Rider 2023.1.2 and ReSharper 2023.1.2 from our website or update either product by using the Toolbox App. You can also update Rider as a snap for Ubuntu.We would appreciate your feedback on the new versions! Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter (ReSharper, Rider).