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.NET Tools ReSharper Platform Roadmap

ReSharper 2024.1 Roadmap

The Early Access Program for ReSharper version 2024.1 has started! As the newest features start trickling into the preview builds, we’d like to give you an overview of the plans we have for the next major version of ReSharper.

This roadmap is just a preliminary plan and may be adjusted depending on our priorities and resources as well as changes in the .NET space. Some features and fixes may be postponed to a later release date.

With that in mind, let’s dive in!

Predictive debugging mode to become the default

The predictive debugger, first introduced in the 2023.2 release, has been improved in the previous release cycle. We’re working on some finishing touches for the 2024.1 release, where we will enable the predictive debugger by default. We’re also working on making the predictive debugger compatible with our out-of-process effort for ReSharper.  

Out-of-process updates

Speaking of bringing ReSharper out-of-process, check out our latest status update. This remains a work-in-progress for the 2024.1 release, but we’re hoping to finalize the current editor/typing refactoring.  

Web development

Our main focus for the upcoming release is the enhancement of smart code completion and parsing for web application development. You can expect a number of small improvements aimed at delivering a more efficient, error-resistant, and enjoyable coding experience. 

As part of our efforts to strengthen ASP.NET Core support, we’re going to implement the Extract to global usings context action that will allow you to easily move usings from a particular file to a global usings file. 

Running unit tests in containers and remote environments

For the next version of ReSharper, we’re working on making it possible to run unit tests inside Docker containers, as well as in remote environments using WSL and SSH.

Encapsulating an application in a Docker container for unit testing ensures a consistent and isolated environment, with versioned Docker images facilitating reproducibility. Meanwhile, being able to leverage a WSL or a SSH connection allows for testing across diverse platforms.

AI Assistant

With version 2023.3, our main goal was to bring two must-have features to our users: AI chat and AI-powered multiline completion. Now that we have both in place, we can work on some necessary improvements. Here are some of the things we have planned:

Improved quality of AI completion suggestions

While the JetBrains AI service team works to improve the quality of its offering for all languages supported on the server side, our .NET LLM team specifically focuses on improving AI suggestions for C# code. 

This includes experimenting with different popular third-party and in-house AI models, polishing the prompts, improving the ways we collect solution context, and figuring out our approach to embeddings.

Improved integration of AI completion into other types of autocompletion

The landscape of smart completion inside Visual Studio has gotten more complex in recent years, particularly now that ReSharper offers multiline AI completion in addition to Microsoft’s IntelliSense and GitHub Copilot. The resulting user experience tends to get messy. We are aware of this issue, and are already working on making ReSharper play nice with all kinds of AI and non-AI autocompletion available in the editor. 

More UI/UX improvements

Aside from  technical improvements, we’ll also be perfecting the user experience of our existing AI feature set. We’re working on a better way to communicate with AI without having to open the chat every time you need to ask a question, refactor, or generate a piece of code. We’ll also be improving the visibility and discoverability of AI-based context actions, completion suggestions, and the features that previously could only be requested via AI chat, such as Generate commit

Other plans

  • In version 2024.1, we’re planning to address the issues associated with Code cleanup on save for shared files. We’re also planning to provide new code formatting options for you to be able to either leave or remove spaces in blank lines (RSRP-466519).
  • We’ll continue improving ReSharper’s resource-consumption when performing solution-wide analysis (SWA).
  • The Decompiler in ReSharper 2024.1 will support new language features, such as required members, primary constructors, and default lambda parameters. We’re also planning to improve support for stackalloc (DOTP-8073).

Consider joining ReSharper’s Early Access Program (EAP) for version 2024.1! It’s an excellent opportunity to get access to the latest improvements and provide early feedback. Let us know which features and changes you’re looking forward to the most in the comments section below or on our social media channels.

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