
Java Annotated Monthly – May 2019

This month we have a guest section on security, since there were so many relevant security articles to include. We have the results of two developer surveys, and a huge culture and community section that explores some of the factors that might contribute to the results of those developer surveys. Of course, May’s Annotated Monthly also includes your regular fix of Java news, tutorials, and tips.


Java News

Big news everyone! Java EE is dead. Again. What year is it? Why are the same headlines popping up again and again every year?

Java Tutorials & Tips

As usual, articles and blog posts with detailed information about how to do stuff in Java. This month we have a few articles investigating edge cases and gotchas, for those “oh that’s quite interesting” nuggets of information.

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies

Covering: automated testing, Kotlin (no bias here then), branching vs trunk-based development, code reviews, protocols and improving performance of Spring Boot.


There are so many security articles and tips this month they merit their own section. So far 2019 is very much proving to be a year for developers to embrace security as a first class part of their job.

Culture & Community

We have a lot of articles on the impact of gender on developer careers which are particularly interesting to read after reading the results of the Stack Overflow developer survey. There’s also some more general advice around burnout, work-life balance and career.

    • Rethinking Software Testing: Perspectives from the world of Hardware – really liked this article, it is a really useful view on the value of automated testing.
    • Quick Introduction To Software Architecture – What, Why and How? – so… being a software architect is all about boxes and arrows then.
    • Why Self-Care Is The Secret To Becoming A Productivity Powerhouse – I have two small children so the combination of terms “self care” and “productivity powerhouse” in this title make me want to groan. Self care for a parent is having 2 minutes to yourself without having someone screaming at you, and productivity is being able to remember what you started trying to do 5 minutes ago. However this article has good advice whatever your personal or professional situation, and I should follow it.
    • Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 – loads of interesting things in here about developer backgrounds, jobs, technology use and preferences. Most interesting to me, as usual, are the results around gender. And remember, although this survey was completed by developers, it’s developers who use Stack Overflow (OK fine that’s almost everyone) and of those, developers who could be bothered to fill in the survey.
    • If you think women in tech is just a pipeline problem, you haven’t been paying attention – a good summary of the problems that face under-represented groups in technology, and some solutions. Note that one conclusion that could be drawn from the above Stack Overflow survey that suggests women inhabit more junior roles than senior, compared to the men, is that women leave the industry.
    • I’m quitting engineering: An exit interview – again on retention: a first hand look at why one individual has chosen to leave. And yes, before you say it, of course even straight white men can feel this way too. So surely that means changing our attitudes will help everyone, not just a small demographic
    • I Am the Girl That STEM Lost – another personal story

And Finally

Here’s a chance to catch up on the IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains news that you might have missed. This month saw the culmination of a lot of hard work from the team here so there’s quite a lot.

  • We had to reschedule our Java 12 webinar to Tuesday May 21st, but that gives you a chance to register for it now in case you missed the announcement last month.
  • The extract variable refactoring was updated in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1. Check out Mala’s blog post on extract variable for an overview of the existing functionality and an introduction to some of the changes, and / or her screencast on the topic.

If you have any interesting or useful Java / JVM news to share via Java Annotated Monthly, leave a comment or drop me a message via Twitter.

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