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Java Annotated Monthly – June 2020

May saw the 25th birthday of Java! And if you’re into silver linings, one of the positives about lockdown/no travel is that all events were online, and not limited to the few people who could attend a handful of conferences. In fact, this whole “situation” (as people keep seeming to call it) has provided opportunities to create content that’s much more accessible to a wider range of people.

In other news, 2020 is the year that keeps on giving </sarcasm>. Be kind to those around you.

Java Annotated Monthly Logo with coffee mug and JetBrains logo

Java News

Java turned 25! And, never one to skip out on a party, I got to attend a whole bunch of online events. Also there was a lot of other news around the (bright) future of Java.

Java Tutorials & Tips

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies

Culture & Community

2020 seems to be getting worse, not better. While lock-down seems to be easing in many countries (rightly or wrongly), attention now is on the inequality black people (in particular) face in the States and elsewhere. Yes, this is a technology newsletter but those of us who write software are humans, and these issues are human issues. I know readers of the newsletter are from all over the world, and we all face a different blend of issues in our different cultures, but understanding what’s going on in one culture can help us widen our viewpoint.

Conferences and Events

Back in the Olden Days (like, last year) I used to put a list of all the Java/JVM-ish events JetBrains was going to be at. In the New World, I’m going to try to remember to post upcoming free online Java/JVM events. Now “real life” conferences aren’t a thing, it’s a good opportunity for people to attend an event who wouldn’t normally get a chance to.

And Finally

A chance to catch up on the other IntelliJ IDEA videos and blog posts from this month. Goodness me, Mala and I creating a load of new blog posts and screencasts showcasing IntelliJ IDEA features, check them out!

If you have any interesting or useful Java / JVM news to share via Java Annotated Monthly, leave a comment or drop me a message via Twitter.

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