IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
Co-Author: Rudy De Busscher, Payara In this blog, we’re going to look at how to use Payara Server with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. We’ll cover how to create a simple web application that runs on a Payara server. We’ll also explore some of the features available to help you develop your enterprise applic…
Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) has gone through a major transformation and is now Jakarta EE. One of the most significant changes impacting developers is the namespace change from javax to jakarta. If you're new to JPA or creating new JPA applications, you might be wondering how to create your pe…
In this blog, we're going to look at how to create a simple Jakarta Persistence application in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. Jakarta Persistence is the new name for the Java Persistence APIs also known as JPA. These APIs allow you to store, access and manage Java objects in a relational database. https://…
IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 is packed with an amazing set of features, including more advanced support for GitHub pull requests, a new Inspections Widget that displays the number of warnings and errors in an opened file and allows you to quickly navigate between them, the Problems tool window that offers d…