In-Depth Screencast on Testing
Earlier this year we rolled out a Getting Started Series of screencast videos on the basics of using PyCharm: setup, the UI, running Python code, debugging, etc. We knew at the time that some topics would need more treatment than a quick screencast, so we planned a follow-on series of “in-depth” screencasts, each on a single topic.
Here’s the first: In-Depth: Testing covers more topics than we went over in the Getting Started: Testing screencast. Which makes sense, as PyCharm itself has such a wealth of support in each of its features:
Here are the topics in this just-over-four-minute video:
- pytest, because, you know…it’s pytest! PyCharm has run configuration support native to pytest, so we introduce that.
- Multi-Python-version testing with tox, especially since PyCharm recently added native support.
- Testing with doctests, using (again) a native run configuration
- Did I mention PyCharm has a lot of native run configurations for testing? Ditto for BDD, so we cover test configurations for the behave package.
- Skipping tests and re-running a test configuration
We hope you enjoy this first in the series of In-Depth screencasts. We have more planned, such as version control. And please, if you have any topics that you’d like to see get expanded screencast attention, let us know.