Live Webinar: React.js from a Rails Developer’s Perspective
Hello everyone,
With the new Rails API coming with Rails 5, it is now even more natural to use Rails as a backend and JavaScript as a frontend for your apps. And when it comes to JavaScript, React seems to be one of today’s most popular frameworks. So we’ve asked Marcin Grzywaczewski, one of the authors of Rails meets React.js book, to make an introduction to React for Rails developers.
Join us Thursday, March 24th, 15:00 – 16:00 GMT (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT) for a free webinar, React.js from a Rails Developer’s Perspective: A Gentle Introduction, by Marcin Grzywaczewski.
React.js is the next big thing in frontend development. Dynamic user interfaces are going mainstream and even if you are a ‘die-hard’ backend developer, sooner or later your clients will demand dynamic UIs from you and your company. It is nothing unique in the world of Facebook and Twitter and your clients use them, so they’ll demand the same level of interactivity sooner or later. This webinar is all about introducing you, a fellow Rails developer, to the interesting world of frontend development. Thanks to React.js it is easier than you can imagine.
Marcin will show you how to work with React.js and create your own components, the building blocks of your user interface. All of this will be backed by RubyMine. He will also explain how you can benefit from the built-in JavaScript development capabilities and tools. Andrzej Krzywda will also be here as a Rails expert and will help with questions.

Marcin Grzywaczewski,
Software Developer at Arkency
Marcin Grzywaczewski is the co-author of two books for React.js learners: Rails meets React.js and React.js by Example. He’s working as a Software Developer at Arkency consulting agency, maintaining & extending legacy Rails applications. Marcin is a teaching enthusiast and one of the Ruby developers who fell in love in JavaScript.

Andrzej Krzywda,
Founder and CEO of Arkency
Andrzej Krzywda is the founder and CEO of Arkency, a Rails consulting company. He also teaches Ruby and Rails at the University of Wrocław and maintains a professional blog. He has a book out on Rails refactoring.
Sincerely yours,
The RubyMine Team