Scala Plugin
Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio
Scala 1.5 EAP: Coding Assistance for Interpolated Strings, New Inspections and Better SBT Support
If you’re using the EAP update channel, you might’ve noticed a new version of the Scala plugin available. In addition to a bunch of bugfixes inside the new update you’ll also find a few nice new features.
Coding assistance for interpolated strings
Interpolated strings is a great feature of the Scala language. Better coding assistance for writing those interpolated strings is a new feature of IntelliJ IDEA. Now it’s possible to quickly turn a string to an interpolated string simply by adding a variable reference. Notice that the IDE will take care of adding brackets:
We hope this additional coding assistance will save you some time.
New inspections for Scala Collections
Inspections help you spot potential problems in your code and find the code that smells. This is why we never stop adding new inspections: this time we’ve added several more that will ensure you treat Scala Collections properly:
SBT project auto-import
The SBT project auto-import (when enabled) has been triggered by any change in your SBT files, even if you just pressed a single keystroke. In our latest update we’ve changed it so the auto-import is now triggered only when your changes are physically saved (usually on frame deactivation).
We hope you’ll find all these changes useful. Please share your feedback on our discussion forum and submit found issues directly to the tracker.
To give this EAP update a try, just go to Settings (Preferences for OS X) → Languages & Frameworks → Scala → Updates → Plugin update channel, switch the EAP channel, and update the plugin.
Develop with Pleasure!