Guest posts

Kickstart continuous testing using TeamCity’s integration with LambdaTest

This guest post is brought to you by Harshit Paul, a Content Specialist at LambdaTest.

TeamCity now offers integration with LambdaTest, a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool offering automation with Selenium Grid. LambdaTest offers a library of 2000+ real browsers for both mobile and desktop devices. Serving more than 60,000 users every year, LambdaTest is one of the fastest-growing cross-browser testing clouds.


Why are developers & testers fond of LambdaTest?

  • Selenium API – LambdaTest offers an Open API for their Selenium Grid, empowering their users to extract test reports of the script executed on their platform. You can extract these reports from LambdaTest’s cloud to your preferred storage facility, even without logging in.
  • Intuitive Test Logs – Offering a neat & organized automation dashboard, LambdaTest provides great visibility over your automated Selenium test scripts. You can find details such as timestamps, test status, network logs, command logs, Selenium logs, metadata, and more.
  • Native Built-in Dev Tools – LambdaTest offers developer tools for every possible browser included in their platform.
  • Parallel Testing – LambdaTest offers an easy-to-scale Selenium Grid where you can perform multiple Selenium test scripts, simultaneously.
  • Test Locally Hosted Web Pages – You can ensure how well your website will look after every code change, by performing cross-browser testing of locally hosted web pages or web applications using an SSH tunnel termed as Lambda Tunnel.
  • Numerous Third-Party Integrations – You will find various third-party integrations with project management tools, instant messaging platforms, and continuous integration & continuous deployment tools such as TeamCity.
  • One-Click Bug Logging – Highlighting bugs and sharing them with colleagues are often a tedious task. Well, not if you are using LambdaTest: it offers a built-in image editor which helps you highlight a bug and share it with your colleagues or on the project management tool’s dashboard in one click, thanks to the LambdaTest integrations.
  • 24/7 Customer Chat Support – If you ever come across any issue related to platform usage, or any suggestions regarding the product, you can simply give the support team a shout through the chatbot and expect a response in under a minute.

How can TeamCity integration with LambdaTest help your continuous testing workflow?

TeamCity’s integration with LambdaTest will empower you with continuous integration, continuous deployment, and continuous testing.

Test your code commits before migrating them to the Production – As you commit changes to your project, you can have them tested over different browsers by performing cross-browser testing with LambdaTest through their Selenium Grid & SSH(Secure Shell) tunnel. The SSH tunnel establishes a secure connection between your system and LambdaTest cloud servers, allowing you to host your local web pages on their virtual machines. That way, you can see how your code changes will affect your website’s UI when accessed through various browsers.

Faster automated cross-browser testing & faster CI/CD pipeline – The primary purpose of automation testing is to cut short the time & effort of your routine test cycles. However, the sequential execution of test scripts can be very time-consuming. Parallel testing with LambdaTest Selenium Grid will help you overcome the drawback of sequential execution as you will be running multiple Selenium tests simultaneously. By using TeamCity along with LambdaTest Selenium Grid, you can have a faster pipeline and rapid test validation for browser compatibility of your latest release before making it live.

Test & push hassle-free, from anytime, anywhere using cloud – LambdaTest & TeamCity both offer an entire CI CD & test solution on the cloud. That means you can get rid of the hassle that often comes with setting up the infrastructure and maintaining it. LambdaTest gives you access to real mobile and desktop browsers. You get a variety of desktop devices including operating systems for both Windows and Mac. For mobile testing, you can select from Android and iOS devices. You could also test on tablets and iPads to ensure how responsive your website is turning out to be after the last code commit.

Open API to help you customize your user experience – Both LambdaTest & TeamCity offer Open APIs. TeamCity’s Open API allows you to create your own custom plugin if none of the hundreds of plugin offered is suitable for your project. LambdaTest offers an open Selenium API to help you extract Selenium test reports from LambdaTest to your preferred storage without logging in to the platform.

Reliable scalable architecture and licensing – Both LambdaTest and TeamCity provide a secure and robust platform which you can scale according to your project requirements. You can start using the product with free licensing and scale later as your project demands grow. With TeamCity, you can expand server capacities as you like; with LambdaTest, you can increase the number of concurrent sessions to help run more test cases in parallel.

All you need to do is declare the Selenium script while configuring a build on your TeamCity instance, along with environment variables specific to LambdaTest authorization, and you are good to go.

Running your first Selenium script on LambdaTest from your TeamCity project

Step 1: Create a new project and add a new VCS routing to Git repository. Here is a sample git repository to help you run your first Selenium script using Protractor.

Step 2: Create build configurations and go to the Build Step page to enter the below command as your script for running a single test script.
Powershell -Command “protractor conf\single.conf.js”

Similarly, if you wish to run multiple tests in parallel, then run the below script:
Powershell -Command “protractor conf\parallel.conf.js”

Step 3: Save your build step and provide the LambdaTest username and access key as the environment variable for authenticating your LambdaTest account with the TeamCity instance.

Step 4: Run your project from the Project dashboard.

It’s time to build the future

Together with LambdaTest, we’re committed to simplifying your continuous testing workflows so that you can focus on making innovative products and solve real-world problems, rather than merely testing older ideas.

What do you think of this integration? Let us know in the comments section.

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