Early Access Program Features

TeamCity 2020.2 EAP is open

We are glad to announce the Early Access Program for TeamCity 2020.2!

2020.2 EAP1

Here are the main features we introduce in the first EAP build:

  • OAuth authentication for GitHub and Bitbucket users
  • Customizable clean-up schedule
  • Automute of failed tests after their successful retry
  • Real-time publishing of build statuses to JetBrains Space projects out of the box
  • Experimental UI: new header and support for plugins

Read more about these features and see the full list of over 60 improvements and bug fixes in our release notes.

Download Lakhnau 2020.2 EAP1 or pull the Docker image with the EAP tag. Remember to install it on a trial server as the new version changes the TeamCity data format and downgrading to the previous production version is not supported.

All our EAP releases come with a 60-day Enterprise evaluation license for an unlimited number of agents and build configurations.

You are welcome to try out the preview build and share your feedback in our forum or issue tracker.

Happy building!

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